Case Study B

Sporting Organisations




EDEI Education & Training



What was the objective?

Governing body “XYZ” works closely with sports clubs and other sporting bodies to support the development of their EDI strategies and plans. They wanted to ensure that all their associated clubs and organisations had access to high quality and consistent education and training. They wanted to specifically address the challenges of inclusive recruitment and selection within sport and support those responsible for the delivery of this business process. 

Global Trends in Recruitment - Survey 2018
57% said inclusion and belonging are very or extremely important
51% believe diversity is an extremely high priority

How did they move forward?

Working with ODISEE we collaboratively developed and delivered a one-day programme. The programme encompassed a wide range of topics and interactive activities to keep participants engaged. 

The content covered key topics including –

  • EDI basics – what, why and how?
  • Legal considerations 
  • Thinking about bias and its impact in sport and its impact on recruitment and selection
  • Considering micro-aggressions versus micro-affirmations 
  • Understanding the current recruitment landscape 
  • Attraction strategies and building pipelines
  • 8 steps to inclusive recruitment and selection 
Deloitte Global’s 2021 survey indicates that many companies have some way to go when it comes to this everyday inclusive culture: A majority (52%) of the women surveyed say they have experienced some form of harassment or non-inclusive behaviour at work in the past year. 

How has this impacted the participants and their organisations?

  1. Awareness – all participants have an understanding of creating a consistent and equitable recruitment and selection process 
  2. Accountability – the participants have a clear understanding of who has accountability for EDEI for each stage of the recruitment and selection process 
  3. Trust – through transparency, consistency and good practice the organisations can build trust with candidates throughout the recruitment and selection process  
  4. Engagement – by supporting the practical creation of a sustainable and robust recruitment and selection process engagement is improved across the process. From recruiters, HR and hiring managers through to potential candidates and future employees.  
  5. Onward education – ODISEE will be delivering shorter workshops to those involved in hiring new talent across the participating organisations.

XYZ governing body is fictitious but the activities are real and the narrative is based on deliverables across a number of organisations. 

James Pravato
Written by:
James Pravato
James works under Tomato Creative as a freelance Web designer, SEO and Content creator helping startups and organisations understand how to leverage the internet to deliver clear and direct messages to their clients.
Sara Matthews FCIPD FRSA CMgr-MCMI
Written by:
Sara Matthews FCIPD FRSA CMgr-MCMI
Sara is a former HR Director at Chelsea FC & Ladbrokes PLC. With over 20 years experience in HR, rewards and EDI at highly commercial, fast paced businesses. Sara has a raft of qualifications including being a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (FCIPD), a Fellow of the RSA & CMgr-MCMI.

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